Saturday, May 9, 2009

Best Gift on Mother's Day

Mother's Day always makes me take a step back and access how amazing we really are. Mother's are what makes the world go round. That's why I am so uneasy about how judgemental some of us can be on one another. I useto be part of an online group who included both WAHM and SAHM. There was always debates on which were the better moms. Women would be putting each other down for choices they made. This squabble was constant, until I decided I no longer could stomach it. I left the group. In an ideal world mother's should remember our common goal, which is to love and nurture decent human beings. How you decide to do that is different for every person depending on their own circumstance. But who are we to judge?
This Mother's Day I'm hoping that more moms realize how important it is to stop judging one another and start supporting each other.
We all are trying to do what's best for us and our own situation. Let's not knock that.
Wishing all my friends a wonderful Mother's Day!

-- ChicMom ♥

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