Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jon and Kate

While I haven't viewed every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8, I have frequently watched the show and followed the children's growth. I am always amazed at how incredibly organized she is. I have only three children and she puts me to shame. My husband calls it OCD, I applaud her. With our three children we do have our days of wondering "what were we thinking?". I can't even imagine the strain 8 children would put on any marriage. I don't think Kate imagined this show would blow up the way it did. Ironically getting it's best ratings thus far. With its successes comes its shortcomings. I must confess if it were me, I don't think I would want to continue living such a public life while my marriage was in such jeopardy. I mean the perks are nice but my sanity and keeping my family together would be a priority. I don't criticize Kate, that's just not my style, but I do wonder about choices she is making. Jon doesn't get off easy either. It quite obvious Kate is forcing this show on Jon but that by no means excuses his actions. As a parent I know first hand all the sacrifices we need to make for our children. While being able to provide for them financially is important, it is more important to provide for them as a couple united.

It's hard to watch the demise of family who were once so close. I guess that's the price of reality TV.

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