Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Is Balance the Key to Happiness

Lately I feel like I'm drowning.

People often strive for success and money. I strive for balance. As a mom of three this is getting increasingly harder. Days come and go and "I" get lost in the mix. I was brought up on the theory that your children and husband are first. My mother spent her entire life making sure we were taken care of, while her life passed right before her eyes. Now she suffers from Alzhiemers,and I have regrets for Mom. Regrets that my mom never found that balance.

I love my mom and I've learned from her.

My mission is to take control again and restore my balance in my quest for happiness.

-- ChicMom

1 comment:

  1. I'll admit for awhile it's hard NOT to put the kids first, when kids are little. I mean, they really need you and they can't get from point A or B without you, so what choice do you have?

    It's easier when they get older and are in school, to find that ME time, especially if you are self employed, like I have been for 15 years.

    When you feel yourself getting lost, just make a plan. Enlist help via Husband sitter or farm the kids out on playdates at the exact same time!

    My DH has a saying: When Mom's happy, everybody's happy.
